Ethical Issues And Solutions In Education | Happy Student Education ™

Ethical Issues and Solutions in Education

Article Category Principals | Schools | Students | Teachers
Published April 30, 2021

Ethical Issues and Solutions in Education

Education Ethical Framework

As remote teaching becomes the norm, it is necessary to have an effective ethical framework in place. Remote teaching, as it relatively differs from in-person, relies nearly entirely on remote learning tools.

The new waves of students technologically literate require clear ethical guidelines to receive an uncontaminated education and avoid ethical confusion.

Considering ethical realities, it is always important to establish ethical guidelines through a framework. While highlighting the most important factors consistently. For example, every College, University, and school syllabus highlights the zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism. 

Evil person plagiarize idea

Ethical codes are not limited to the students. Educators have to be held accountable as well. Teachers “Shall not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the pursuit of learning (NEA, 2020)”.

Ultimately, an ethical framework offers students and staff a clear path of cohesion on what is acceptable, and what is not. Ethics benefit schools and helps build student character.

Code of Ethics

Students and staff are responsible for making sure they are not using any copyrighted materials. Ethical Framework should contain the following: 

  • It is your responsibility not to plagiarize either intentionally or unintentionally.
  • It is your responsibility to adhere to the fair and appropriate use policy when using online resources in the classroom.
  • Students’ and teachers’ privacy should always be respected.
  • Classroom technology should always be, reasonably, used for learning and never for personal gain.
  • This institution is responsible for promoting ethical literacy as it pertains to fair use, appropriate use, plagiarism, privacy concerns, ethical factors, as well as content ownership

Frameworks can be adapted to any specific need. Remote Teaching and Learning requires consistency and persistence. 

Education Ethics

Code of Conducts

Ethical and technology literacy

Is it the responsibility of all staff members to adhere to the code of ethics? It is important to maintain a reasonable level of online ethical literacy, and “advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources (ISTE, 2008)”. 

Hence, in the process of becoming technologically literate, teachers can offer the students a clear path to technology success. Without relying on, and effectively integrating fair use, appropriate use, and proper accreditation.


Privacy is one of the most concerning issues in the modern classroom. The privacy of both students and staff is crucial in remote learning.

It is strictly prohibited to share personal information of students and staff under FERPA, CIPA, as well as other state and federal laws.


Therefore, “Actions that violate the privacy of students include posting students’ names, classwork, or pictures on a school Website (CBSNEWS, 2014)”.

In addition to the privacy of students, the privacy of staff members is crucially important.

Reasonable steps should be taken to protect school technology infrastructures. Educators should protect their passwords, their user names, and other important information.

If an unauthorized user accesses the school infrastructure, they can potentially download social security numbers, home addresses, and other information.

Is it inappropriate and unethical to post a graded assignment online publicly displaying the instructors’ name? Also, it is unethical to obtain teachers’ personal information to cyberbully of any kind.

Including but not limited to cyberstalking, harassment, cause personal stress, or any other reason whatsoever.

Possible Penalties

Students and staff are expected to adhere to the code of ethics. In the process of technology integration. Plagiarism is punishable by expulsion after several offenses.

It is rather determined by the individual instructor whether plagiarism took place. This is based on the various interactions to determine the difference in writing and research. 

In addition to plagiarism, students are responsible, as stated on the code of ethics, to determine based on their judgment whether they are adhering to the fair use and appropriate use policies in their assignments.

Any violation of copyrighted materials may be punishable by point reduction, or even expulsion in severe cases.


In conclusion, an ethical framework that lays the ground for appropriate and inappropriate online behavior is crucial to any educational setting, online and the traditional classroom.

educators, as well as students, have to be familiar with traditional online policies such as fair and appropriate use to develop effective works without violating any copyright materials. 

Students have to always be aware of the information they integrate into their assignments and credit anyone for any information regardless of how much information is used. For instance, students have to provide proper accreditation for one sentence or five sentences to abide by ethical expectancies.

Ethical Issues and Solutions in Education


CBSNEWS. (2014). How to defend your privacy online. Retrieved from
Coleman, P. D. (2011). Ethics, Online Learning and Stakeholder Responsibility for a Code of Conduct in Higher Education. Kentucky Journal of Excellence in College Teaching and Learning.
ISTE. (2008). ISTE Standards. Arlington: the International Society for Technology Education.
Jaszi, P. (2015). Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Online Video. Retrieved from CMSI:
Kehrwald, B. (2008). Distance Education. Understanding social presence in text-based online environments, 18.
NEA. (2005). Code of Ethics. Retrieved from NEA:
Rudestam, K. E., & Schoenholtz-Read, J. (2009). Handbook of Online Learning. SAGE Kindle Edition.
Velasquez, M., & Moberg, D. (2009, 05). A Framework for Ethical Decision Making. Retrieved from

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