Journal Critique: Online Universities | Happy Student Education ™

Journal Critique: Online Universities

Published February 21, 2022

Understanding social presence in text-based online learning environments 29(1), 89-106.

Understanding social presence in text-based online learning environments. Distance Education is broken into several stages that further link the inline educational system with the current social presence theory, as explained by Kehrwald, Benjamin 

Computer-mediated communication technologies have become the pinnacle of online education over the past decade or so. Although online education has been greatly influenced and unarguably founded on the bases of the basis of computer-mediated technologies, the ultimate result may not seem as clear. Understanding social presence in text-based online learning environments analyses the key findings that link text-based environments with the nature of social presence as experienced by the online education community.

However, the article focuses on the current theoretical framework rather than influencing findings from preexisting findings. Thus, “… the literature review is used to provide a background to the study focusing on the context of contemporary online learning and the historical development of social presence theory”. (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 1) With that said, the concept of online education much like traditional education interconnects directly with educational philosophical theories and concepts.  

Online Universities

Understanding social presence in text-based online learning environments. Distance Education is broken into several stages that further link the inline educational system with the current social presence theory, as explained by Kehrwald, Benjamin (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 1). 

The author generally developed a theory on the understanding of the social presence in online education based solely on current analysis while generally omitting past theories, data, and analysis. In relation to online education, relevancy stays at its pinnacle considering accredited online education and its social presence in the text-based online environments are relatively recent, relatively a decade or so (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 8).

The social role of online learning extends beyond the pursuit of knowledge, online education, has a very strong social role in the online classroom. Additionally, much like the Apus weekly forums, online education requires a classroom “Interactive” that results in growth and development. For instance, “Therefore, interpersonal interaction is a key feature of Contemporary online learning.

The mutual modification of attitudes, ideas, skills, beliefs, and knowledge that results from these exchanges has been described as interactive (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 2)”. Henceforth, the idea that online education requires much more than the traditional method of teaching, is both expected and required in order to maintain educational grow, as well as to remove the “distance education” feel of it (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 10).

Journal Critique

The social presence of online communication has gradually become difficult to define. However, Social presence may be defined as ‘The degree of salience of the other person in a mediated interaction and the consequent salience of the interpersonal interaction’ (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 2) In contrast, comparing online media communication with traditional face to face interaction is far different and less interactive.

However, as technology grows and develops the social presence has greatly shifted. (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 2) Therefore, “Among the notable implications of this shift to relational views of social presence is that relational aspects of communication are dependent upon the participants in the communicative exchange rather than (or in addition to) the medium.” (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 2) Therefore, much like the Apus classroom, the focus is not placed on the online classroom but rather on the pursuit of knowledge, so much so that the sense of community makes it feel as if the interaction was taking place face to face.  

Mediated Social Processes

 When it comes to online learning there is the problem of lack of understanding in the social process related to technology-mediated communication and education. It is clear that not everyone is on board with online higher education, yet, “online learners continue to have success with mediated social processes, including participating in highly interactive online courses, engaging in productive collaboration, and being members in online learning communities”. (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 5) Therefore, it is up to successful online students and professionals to highlight the social and legitimacy presence of the social influence in the system (Haynie, 2013).

From the philosophical perspective, online students should aby the Axiology philosophical theory. For instance, Axiology focuses on values and “What is right, good, just, and beautiful has been so at every time and in every place.”(Gutek p. 33) Therefore, students that exemplify Axiology are students that have solid values and do what is right even when it is not easy.

The theory of value (Axiology) argues that good values such as; goodness and beauty are essential. For example, in relation to online education, students that would not cheat based on their personal beliefs even when the opportunity has presented itself would epitomize the theory of values (Axiology). Therefore, considering online social communication, based on Axiology, and Turnitin, students with strong values work hard to succeed much like in traditional colleges.


Ultimately, there is a need to further develop the social presence in the online educational process. “Whilst the term social presence was originally used to describe the qualities of media and their respective abilities to create the illusion of mediation, users of virtual learning environments have appropriated the term to describe the combination of skills and abilities which allow them to achieve salient interpersonal interactions (Kehrwald, 2008, p. 13).”

In addition, with the further development of CMC tools, the social process will become less evident and more of an illusion that plays a role in the development of online education and communication. Thus, online education may grow and become more of a “face-to-face” classroom interaction in the educational sense and technological sense.    

 Works Cited 

Haynie, D. (2013, 10 13). How to Tell if an Online Program Is Accredited. Retrieved from USNEW: accessed 04/26/2015 

Kehrwald, B. (2008). Distance Education. Understanding social presence in text-based online environments, 18. 

Gutek, G. L. (2014). Philosophical, ideological and theoretical perspectives on education (2nd ed.). Chicago: Pearson Education. 

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